You get to make them fun cards. One of my closest friends from college got married last Saturday. I drove to the border of Jersey and PA for the occasion and it was a lovely ceremony with traditional vows and a party after at the country club with a spread of too much food and booze and the best of company. This seems to be the year of marriage for my fellow Syracuse alums and it makes me feel old and it makes me feel happy and most of all it makes me feel in awe of my friends for their willingness to dive head first into a life of commitment and twos. To trust in the love you have for someone and the love they have for you is remarkable. And so I toast to all my friends out there brave and lucky enough to find such happiness this year. It has gotten me thinking about marriage and love and as a result I have been having some fun with wedding card ideas. The one posted here is the card I made for the happy couple of last weekend's wedding. My friend is a guy and it is I must say quite girly but the present was masculine.

(back of card) (front of card)

(inside of card)
all images above © 2009 by Ivy Hickam
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