Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My sister is turning 30 on friday.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Words my mother has told me.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Feel better.

I have been under the weather since Saturday. Head colds are no fun and they seem to come always at the most inconvenient times. Because really when is it convenient to have a head cold? Anyway it reminded me about a card I made awhile ago (the front of the card is above and the inside is below). I drew it to actually cheer myself up one day I was feeling blue. It seems like a good card to give when someone is under the weather as well. Hopefully it will make me feel better. And make you feel better if you happen upon it and are in need of it. And now it's time for some r and r and a real cup o' tea.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Water Lilies in the rain

Thursday, September 10, 2009
History and new beginnings

country mouse, big city.
I have lived in New York for years now and I love this city. I love New York attitude; I see it as honest, to the point, and raw. New Yorkers may feel they sometimes do not have time for "excuse me" but if you ask them their opinion on anything they will take the time to give you one and maybe a piece of their thoughts. That being said. I am not a New Yorker. I merely reside in this lovely city and reap the benefits of good coffee, too much excitement happening for one night, and living stories all around me. As sort of a permanent visitor to this fare city (originating from the west, born and bred in Colorado) I have my own perspective on the daily survival tactics one needs to coexist with so many people. To survive as the stereotype, a resident artist of New York, I have to remind myself there is no such thing. My theory is that you have to enjoy this city for all that it is, even its tumbleweed trash and constant soundtrack of noise. But you also have to take the time to look up from your novel on the daily commute and notice the subtle beauty of it all. You have to find the escape in the everyday. The beauty that human created and the nature that survived is coexisting within this aunt farm we all run around in. There is art in your neighborhood's collage of fliers. And there is more nature to be found in this city than the remarkable sidewalk weed. Just look around you and you'll see it.
Seeing the beauty in the everyday is what my card company is partly about. It is about taking time out of ones life in this crazy technological new age of ours to slow down, smell the roses (and coffee), and cat nap. Taking the time to write someone a hand written thought in a card and time to put a stamp on it and mail it instead of clicking send. With some hand drawing, watercolor, a bit of whimsy, and some thought I don't intend to change the world but maybe change someone's day, make them think, or smile . With this blog I intend to document the makings of my card company. A company I have daydreamed about for years but that until now only existed in my head. I will share some of my life, some of my thoughts on life and some thoughts from life as well. Welcome to my first blog.